
The cars movies take place in our reality. The cars can't perceive humans. They believe they have free will, and create self-motivated narratives to explain their actions

Shogun World

The absurd payoff to the strainers did work for me for one main reason: it was so absurd and stupid and contrived that it fit with how they were telegraphing it.

Actually…does Sardonyx have Future Vision? Do we know?

Its this

Number 3 might be Penny's reaction from this very same episode. Fucking hell

I noticed the weapon thing too. I mean, it makes some degree of sense but interesting to see it confirmed that its not even the same *type* of weapon as Ruby's gauntlet

The Lapis Peridot relationship is so subtly communicated but its so good. You learn so much about them from Peridot saying "Lapis fly us up!" and Lapis' expression as she says "no". Specifically that Lapis is finally becoming comfortable as she realizes that she doesn't have to listen to what Peridot (or anyone) says

Okay so at this point I think its relatively safe to say that Rose is not Pink Diamond. And a few things become clear: PD was in charge of the Earth colony, and was still on the planet when the rebellion happened. Jasper calls her "my diamond" so its safe to say that PD herself oversaw the construction of the Beta

"The one false Connie note in this episode is her apparent focus on the impending end of human civilization, because of things we did to ourselves: “Peak oil, Steven! How do we handle terminal decline without alternate energy sources?” Grace Rolek’s line delivery is funny, but it feels more like it was written for

Incompetent but earnest space crews are the best thing. I love these guys. They remind me of the Toad Brigade

Zoom's costume being based on our Flash's and not Jay's means something. I think its the key to this whole thing. He's Eddie, or maybe in my wildest dreams 90s Flash from Earth 3. There's no way that costume design is an accident

I will say this for why they didn't just try and kill Zoom right there: they still had Jesse, Earth 2 Barry and Iris around. If they failed they screwed up their one chance to escape. Better to run for it and get the vulnerable people to safety than risk staying around to kill Zoom and failing

I think the guy we know as Jay is Earth-2 Zoloman is the idea. I don't agree, but I think that its not that he's Earth-1 Zoloman

Its crazy but its possible. I think it being Eddie is more likely, but its something I hadn't thought of

Here's the biggest problem I have with theories that Zoom is Jay, or a clone of Jay, or a negative speed force shadow or whatever:

Nah I think its Henry

Man this episode really reminds me how good this show is at making the Flash's powers look awesome when the plot doesn't demand he get hit in the face or somehow not catch up with the people who froze him with their two minute head start

What I find frustrating, and I genuinely don't know where this came from or stems from, is the idea that there is One Correct Stance on any level of criticism. You see this all the time, from people who assume that someone offering a critical opinion are purporting to be The Authority and that anyone who supports that

What I find frustrating, and I genuinely don't know where this came from or stems from, is the idea that there is One Correct Stance on any level of criticism. You see this all the time, from people who assume that someone offering a critical opinion are purporting to be The Authority and that anyone who supports that