
I understood from her twitter (my fail, not hers, I think) that she was actually in the Crown Vic bar when attacked, and the employees did nothing. Being on the sidewalk changes the calculus. It’s still shitty, but it’s a lot harder to hold the bar responsible.

Yes but that’s more expensive than doing nothing. Doing nothing is what they do when there’s no profit to be made.


The last time I drove here (more than 5 years ago, less than 10), on a weekend, there were a ton of cyclists.

It actually makes me question how well he played in Serie A. I assumed great, because I only watched the matches when he played well for Roma, but there had to be a good reason why he was getting less and less time there.

Same. Although I think that’s totally fine— anything that can captivate you for 15 hours is awesome.

me no smell like Kinja?

I’’m not sure if anyone in the videos above is broke. Pretty sure they aren’t, at all, actually.

Good thing there are no plans to put an ASG in Los Angeles, with that horrid turd of a stadium and the shitty weather there.

I get where this guy is coming from- he came of age in a time when broadcasters could say what they wanted, and the only feedback they would really get would be from management.

I thought he was great in Spy with Melissa McCarthy.

Didn’t he have his own show in MTV way back when?

Let’s not confuse “high society” with upper echelons of the entertainment business. Entertainers unless they make some sort of insane money AND have the social skills to act like they’ve always had it, will always be around, but not of, high society. has pretty accurate numbers in my experience, and they have Grantland growing really nicely in April up to 13m uu.