
@Snoochtastic: Yes, that's one of the best things about them. I'd like to get a rat, but their lifespans are too short.

@Snoochtastic: How old are they? I think the best thing about chinchillas is their lifespan.

Screw dogs, it's all about Hyraxes now.


@Shinta: I didn't know it existed until I googled it. XD Anytime.

@fuchikoma: I freaking love Cave Story's soundtrack.

Probably going to go through Super Metroid. <3

@luckycharms: 8 million years? Try 250 million.

I played Cave Story. <3

@Shiryu: I've seen portables that use an SD card. It uses a variation of a SNES on a chip.

@TheBrandt: Yeah, but this affects me a lot. I want to be some sort of engineer, and my high school is a really prestigious one, it ranks at #4 in the nation.

@P4KO: Thanks! I'll be sure to study my algebra some more..

I'm getting kind of stressed out. I have a lot of school work to do, but what makes it worse is that I also have my high school entry test soon, and I have to study for it. It's full of algebra. Thing is, I take Math 8.

@yanipheonu: My sister watches it, and she's 20.