@Tenshi_Zetsumei: They said RE was changing back to the actual survival horror gameplay with Revelations.
@Tenshi_Zetsumei: They said RE was changing back to the actual survival horror gameplay with Revelations.
@Maldron: "Kid Icarus isn't out yet and can't be judged as quality or not..."
@armstrongjx4: This is a LOT better looking than the original. What's not quite right is the lighting in certain areas.
@Kanji08: That's not always the case. I live in a family of 6 people (including me). There are 3 rooms in this house. One room is shared by my two sisters (one uses the TV in that room, the other uses the TV in the living room), while another is used by my brother, who uses his TV all the time. My parents use the…
@tramplerofarmies: I heard the original got easier as the game went on?
@Cheese Addict: Hey, Star Fox 64 is also 13 years old. Just sayin'.
@Cheese Addict: Underwater Mario Kart sounds nice. :)
@captain kiwi: .... What? o_O
@captain kiwi: ... But this isn't an iteration of the DS.
@Macoy: Was watching it before you replied, but thanks anyway.
@Shippoyasha: I miss them too. I loved seeing atomic purple GBC's and translucent pink GBA's.
On a slightly related topic...
@Manly McBeeferton: I've been keeping mine since I got my DS lite, despite the fact I don't own the system anymore.
@Kanji08: Not necessarily. A handheld system is... a Handheld. It's portable. I can take it to my room, to the table, anywhere. If I'm going to my grandma's house, am I really going to lug my Wii over there? No, it'd be much easier to just take my DS and its charger.
@Shippoyasha: Hey, I actually like black consoles... :(
@badoor: Just saw it.
@Antiterra: Than the money in your wallet that's used to buy those AA batteries.
@badoor: Why must it be so boring. It's nothing but a video of Japanese people laughing as they play a 3DS whose screen cannot be seen by the viewer.