How long before a flash cart is made for it?
How long before a flash cart is made for it?
@Onslaught Six: It does replace the analog in games like Metroid Prime Hunters. But whether or not you like it is up to pure opinion.
@Kanji08: Oh yeah, that. True, Nintendo really fucked with the lefties this time around.
@Pookiewood: Metroid Prime Hunters.
@The-Real-Napsta: Heads up, the Wii doesn't have a second analog stick....
@PlaidNinja: Chinese version of the DS. iQue sells the DS in China.
@PsychoSeraph: Maybe he stole those too.
@WildTangent01: I gained this weight around the age of... 7 or 8. And I just got worse and worse and worse. I ate too much, I had no self control, and if I didn't lose the weight, I would have just gone on.
@PrinceCoyote: Thanks! It was horrible at times, and incredibly awesome at others. I did things I really regret now (I'm 13, and I have a feeling I stunted my growth), but I'm done. I just need to maintain my weight in a healthy way.
I didn't have a new year resolution, but I did get tired of my brother calling me a muffintop, so I lost 30 pounds. Yay.
Sin and Punishment
@Frosted Mini-Wheats: It's easily one of my favorite N64 games due to the reasons you stated.
Playing through the original Sin and Punishment, and it's amazing.
@Aurailious: Lucky! Have a blast, I hope I'll do the same in a few years.
@earlyman: The Youtube comments are even worse. I posted a reply detailing how pathetic all of them were for calling each other inferior due to their ethnic background. Idiots.
@shatteredempathy: Awesome! That's great! I went to great lengths, and I sorta regret doing several things, but I'm happy that I'm done.
Much better than 2009. This year was great, I lost 30 pounds, upped my grades (which began around the same time I began to lose weight), my family has begun to slowly squirm out (hopefully, forever) of a financial pit, and the 3DS was announced.
I miss the days where Pikachu had knees. :(
@Whizkid103: But yeah, aside from that, it's really cool. I like talking to my bisexual friend about stuff I can't talk about to my best friend.
@Whizkid103: I'm not in high school. I'm in middle school. XD