I got into Japan due to its cool looking classical architecture. Then I began to read further into the country's history, and I actually began to like classical Japan more than modern Japan.
I got into Japan due to its cool looking classical architecture. Then I began to read further into the country's history, and I actually began to like classical Japan more than modern Japan.
I got Black Ops... For DS. It's fine though, I'm going to try and return it. I'm not into Call of Duty in the first place. It was still a thoughtful move from my uncle.
@reishka: Oh XD
@Gorbishganoid: Ocarina takes up 32 megabytes.
@reishka: Well that's horrible... :(
I feel so out of place in these comments. I have no memories of opening NES'es and Game Boy Colors on Christmas. The closest I have to that is the Christmas I got my GBA SP, and the Christmas I got my DS. Damn me for being born in 1997. :(
@p4warrior: That's a wise decision. I've owned four DS'es - The original phat one, A DS lite my sister found at her school (which broke), had to go back to the phat one, got a blue and black DS lite for my birthday/reward for getting into the school my parents wanted me to go to, gave away the phat one, and traded in…
@p4warrior: I played the original MUCH earlier than that Christmas (around my third year of age), which is why I wanted it. The ability to play as 4 different characters with 30 extra stars in a game I loved as a young child was amazing. And it was portable. That was awesome.
@Tevor_the_Third: Now I have another GB game on the list of games I want for 3DS VC. Thanks.
@FritzLaurel: One day I'll use these various tiles and sprites I make for fun in MS Paint... One day....
Nothing but clothes this year, which I desperately need.
Those are some badass cooks. Just sayin'.
@Tevor_the_Third: Strange how something as small as that was made by Miyamoto. Wow.
@dkl415: Apparently he got the console later. At least, that's what the original video's description says.
@Jezuz: .... Wind Waker?
@Hongo: That's not Nintendo. Miyamoto would send his team of assassins after Capcom. Durr.
@Relysis: Oh, ew. And yeah, pirated would have been better.
@2NinjasTapedTogether: It's better than what he gave me one year: a calculator with a ruler. All in a nice dollar store package.
@Paradox me: Your parents are awesome. That's all I have to say.
@Relysis: There have been no official Sonic games, if I remember correctly. You most likely got a pirate or something.