Yeah, it is a compelling idea. But what about its cost, its battery life, its games?
Yeah, it is a compelling idea. But what about its cost, its battery life, its games?
@PunkyChipsAhoy: There's a headset that works with Monster Hunter Tri?
Kinect while stoned.
@Michael Dukakis: Your pun is wiik.
@Gaston: They better not phase it out until I get my Skyward Sword, damnit. :O
@Hongo: It's kinda weird. I use to be a HUGE Pokemon fan. A BIG one. But nowadays, I'd much rather play Monster Hunter than Pokemon.
@ManicSockpuppet: Yes, yes it is.
@Pirandello: No, three kinects will lead to an opening to the 6th dimension.
@spitcodfry: Nyeh, I'm interested in how nice it looks for an app game, but I'm not really interested in anything else about it.
@square enigma: I don't think they'd be happy with being dragged by the hair to your nest.
@spitcodfry: With the sheer pixel density of the iPhone 4, I'm going to go ahead and say it would look better on that.
@Zanzan42: Using that info, there is only 4,616,304 people in the world.
@Android_seb: I love that movie.
Anybody else pick up a Wii at Best Buy on Friday?
@Xeiphyer: I think he's referring to the limited edition Monster Hunter PSP with a larger battery and concave analog.
@Obi-Haiv: Yes :D
@Shagittarius: Yes :D
@Manly McBeeferton: Er... O_o That's nice.