Flamingo83 pt2

“Twitter’s rules governing abusive content state:”

Oh man were you around two weeks ago when Perkins was shocked that a black woman in the 1960s would tell dirty jokes?

Really you gonna help him? You gonna help him?

Tone-deafness about its own persistent whiteness
— The AV Club

Halsey is pretty decently well known at this point.

I’m curious: What sites and resources for making easy/quick money can you name off the top of your head? No cheating. Don’t Google it. I’ll star your reply so everyone sees it, since I clearly missed something with this article and offended you so greatly that you had to come all the way to the bottom to comment.

Glad to hear you got those answers and are doing better.

Hey everyone! I’m so glad to be SNS-ing tonight because I’m alive, and home from a week in a local hospital’s ICU! Things looked grim a week ago, when the doctor in the ER thought that I had had not one but two heart attacks, and in any event, I was in heart failure. Right??? Terrifying!

The question about why do 40 and 50-somethings share nude photos of each other like teenagers will go unanswered”

Every time someone brings up that point, I wonder why bugs don’t need to be fixed with the same urgency as possible tampering. Oh, it’s -okay- that the people handling our elections are just incompetent?

“Bezos also raised the issue of Pecker’s”

Brian kemp and the republicans are very concerned about making sure only people who are eligible to vote in Georgia vote in Georgia. The sanctity of the elections is paramount.”

Excellent article.

Would I date myself?

I’m out of my league, I’d never be able to keep up. /s

There is no punishment too harsh for those who victimize the powerless. Those who willfully ignore and cover up these crimes become accomplices and should be just as culpable.

The plot sounds a bit similar to a book I read called The Book of the Unnamed Midwife, where a pandemic kills mostly women and children, and pregnant women in particular are vulnerable (and if they survive to give birth, the babies are often stillborn and then the woman dies). However, a large part of the book focuses

Elisabeth Moss is an all-in Scientologist, so her opinion on anything should be subject to out of hand dismissal.  I am taking a HARD pass on this one. 

Not to mention under assault from the tea party, Fox News, trump himself, over everything they could dream up.

There is a huge difference in between trying to take care of yourself physically, and being a part of fitness culture. I think a huge part of this is projecting, and unfair for the majority of Americans dealing with significant health problems relating to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and a whole host of issues.