Flamingo83 pt2

I don’t think you could have a prouder moment than turning yourself in because you fraudulently obtained some medicine for a poor and sick child.

But Brock Turner got no jail time for raping an unconscious woman. Good old American Justice. 

Needs to be filed to “No good deed goes unpunished”.

I’ll tell you what happens after they are sent back to Mexico - their cases don’t ever get heard. They disappear from the system. Is anyone truly under the impression this is anything other than just a ploy to get these people out while trying to dodge the consequences of not giving people their legal right to claim


Sounds like an excuse for perverts to strip search barely-pubescent girls.

They don’t even attempt to hide their motivation.

I am so fucking pissed at this story. I just told a friend I want to light that entire administrative staff on fire.

The assertion that men with submissive kinks won’t commit rape is pathetic. The fact that this guy invaded women-only spaces shows his willingness to violate women’s boundaries. I read an account in Tin House where he nagged a woman who was hosting him to let him sleep in her bed. No sex, of course. He’s a

Offer only applies while white*

That jacket looks a a designer attempt of a knock-off Gordan Gatrell

The shorts look ok but the shirt looks like a kid came up to his mom and said “Im supposed to be a baseball in the school play!” and she said “Whens the play??” and he said “In five minutes!” and she ran off and tried to make his costume.

I’ve got a feeling the driver has short cropped blonde hair, asks to speak to the manager all the time and is named Susan, Karen or Linda.

I would like to mention that just this morning I was in the room (major network); out the mouth of one of my co-workers, at least 3 weird and creepy serial killer rape jokes (involving a manequin being undressed). It seems nothing has changed because these dick-faces still think all of it is fine and they don’t

I’ve got vegan relatives and vegan shepherd’s pie is dang near the top of my favorite vegan dishes. Dried shiitakes for life.

Problem is, we need a credible challenger in Kentucky to unseat the Tortoise.

The capital police are trash. They should not be arresting a damn person. They’re working for free and they’re arresting fellow federal workers? Why? They should be slowing shit the fuck down which would mean leaving the protesters to do what they do.

If this is true, she needs to resign her seat in Congress, too. Like, aside from the absolute horror of the act, how are you as a member of Congress going to be this dumb and this messy with a rape allegation in the year of our Lord 2018?

Not my best photoshoppery, but I am just gonna leave this here, because my father, the inventor of toaster streudel, would not be too pleased to hear about all this. Nancy for the win!

So when does Savannah Guthrie give R. Kelly a chance to tell his side? Thanks NBC for replacing one useless brain dead white female fembot with another. Shit I can Megyn Kelly breaking furniture now screaming “That should’ve been me.” For real kid the film don’t lie. Also to all the wypipo that are going to come here