Flamingo83 pt2

This is why people need to actually listen to or read the lyrics to a song before getting fauxraged about them on the internet. If you had come that, you’d already know she says nothing disrespectful about him in the song. She also did him and all of the exes the courtesy of previewing ‘Thank U Next’ beforehand to

From what I read here, he doesn’t seem mad? He just... talked about it.

the GOP response

It should be noted that Louis CK specifically objected to letting the Parkland survivors testify in front of Congress. Well, the only one who got the chance to do so was Aalayah Eastmond, who testified against Brett Kavanaugh during his Senate confirmation hearings. If we’re wondering why the Parkland student

I ❤️being single and living with my 2 dogs. 

you’re likely going to stay in, order dinner and binge on Netflix until you wake up in a new year, almost certainly asleep before midnight. Alone. That sounds sad. You were in until the “alone” bit, right?

Not an issue with plastic corks! #keepitclassy

I know what the word “leftover” means and I know what the word “Champagne means, but together, they dont make any sense.

Any female candidate that runs will be criticized endlessly, just like any white male candidate is seen as immediately acceptable/”what a President is supposed to look like”- no matter how mediocre a candidate they are. Look at Trump. A mediocre, racist fool, but a white man. Let’s stop accepting the idea that POC or

My life is over.

I mean, they’re just going to say “That was BEFORE the DNA test!” It’s painfully predictable.

Yeah, it’s not like he lost his child in a school shooting and was immediately accused of being a crisis actor; threatened and harassed by people who claim his child never existed.

My life is over.

Surprised he didn’t go with the dumber than hell “Well I identify as an attack helicopter” line.

Yup. But interesting in a way I really don’t want to watch.

It should be interesting to see the not-at-all sexist Bernie fans who totally did not refuse to vote for Hillary because she was a woman and who totally would have totally voted for Elizabeth Warren now find reasons to totally not support Elizabeth Warren.

Kamala Harris. Tammy Duckworth. Cory Booker, I’m forgetting some others.

This is the only correct answer. Pull for your candidate until the primary is settled, but for the love of Cthulhu once it is settled get behind the agreed to candidate.

“Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good” is perhaps more applicable here than anywhere else. Not voting for anyone but the perfect Democratic candidate will get you Donald Trump 2.0, period.

No on Warren, and hell no on Bernie. Do you all want 4 more years of Trump, because this is how it happens.