
As someone who’s behavior was judged at a funeral, fuck you just fuck you.

My purple life is still missing him!

Just a reminder no one can legally claim to be American Indian without proper documentation and papers. After everything taken from us they still take our right to say who is and isn’t tribal.

And those are rough looking 36 years.

They saw the cartoon of Animal Farm on mute but found the 1984 meme and think it makes them clever.

Yep and I blame all the white people apparently!

THIS! No way in hell would I tell my parents they weren’t allowed anywhere!

That’s like advanced PhD level racism.

I can already hear their sanctimonious rebuttles “it’s about critical thinking!” “They need to debate instead of taking it for granted slavery was bad!” “This is why we are falling behind , teachers aren’t allowed to take chances!”

That’s how I feel about the Cumbia!

White people are allowed to get obnoxious irate and cashiers will eagerly lick their asses to placate them. A black man disputes a charge and is beaten. I’m relieved he wasn’t killed.

He’s Rachel Dolezal without the tan and weave. Bitch needs to stop and realize some people are beyond his level.

ICE is already killing people.

I don’t know my parents are in their seventies and they’ve never attacked people. Maybe it only happens to racists?

Nothing just a racist bitch trying to justify attacking a pregnant person.

JFC. Black people cant do anything without some racist shooting them and then claiming “suspicious behavior” . It’s lynching .

Exactly and that the racist bitch he married started it all!

This should have happened but I’ll save my celebration for when this attempted child murderer gets a conviction, not a ticket or slap on the wrist.