Mexican-American Martian

People like me who are 20 years old.


That's the sadest thing you've ever done.

I wrote a discussion piece about the Weezer on the AVOCADO in case any if you want to check it out.

I think I have testes instead. But don't quote me on that.

Same. Except I'm a guy.

10/10 comment username synergy

Yes but what do you think about the movie?

Yeah that's awesome. But this has more meaning because we've seen these characters develop over these past 8 years.

This Spider-Man costume is reminiscent of 60's Spider-Man. Just saying

I love the new Spider-Man costume. It looks like the classic 60's one. HYPED!


So greatest trailer of all time or greatest trailer of all time?

It may have to do with them being based in Chicago.

Rest in power

Can I just say I love the passion and respect you two gave towards this Op-Ed. I really enjoyed it and love that the A.V Club gave this little show that could a feature. So thanks guys.


The hype is real. I can't wait. Words can not describe my earnest joy for this revival. HYPE!