Doreen X Logan
Doreen X Logan
…. I was
Opinion and nostalgia is all I have to say.
There one of the oldest franchises still around today. The appeal they have for people now in there 40's and older separates them from everyone else. That's not to discredit them, but there release would be better suited in a wasteland month that's hard to release a movie in, like November and December, rather than…
Instead of defending my favorite franchise (MCU), I'm going to say Disney is making a big mistake not making a Lando spin-off instead.
I haven't seen it. But if I did, I'm sure I would like it.
I don't disagree. But I also don't get why they would ever want to make a Boba Fett movie either. It makes no sense.
Es no bueno.
Es muy bueno.
I think it's because I love Rey so much that wasting any time on another female character will take time away from her. This is what Hollywood has turned me into.
The Kaiser loved his Mexicans…
Godspeed my stranger friend on the internet.
Every time I see the fan base of Star Wars cry for more Phasma, I feel like one of those hipsters who want to criticize them for no good reason. I don't know why.
Es muy bueno.
Every new Star Wars movie should be released in December only. They are the only ones that can beat the December deadlands in a way no other franchise can. Similar to how James Bond should be in November only. Leave the summer months for big blockbuster action/superhero movies when there needed and thrive at.
No Asian role in sight unfortunately…
JLaw can get tan. Stone can't look Asian.
…Your mom?
My self hating maninist point still stands.
No but I plan on doing it now. Thanks for the recommendation.