I think it died. JUST LIKE LOVE.
I think it died. JUST LIKE LOVE.
See, this is the inherent problem with heterosexual hookups. You’re all hung up on “beds” and “Apartments”. Do your bars not have bathrooms?
If peak of her powers late 80s Meg Ryan was really reduced to banging Billy Crystal, then yes, she was the one with a problem.
So... Joe is *really* off the market?
Woah. Its not like these two are George and Amal. LOL.
Sometimes I want real Mexican, sometimes I want Chipotle. I don’t pretend there’s any crossover between the two.
Quick, someone get Katie Holmes on the phone to start planning her escape.
I think the hair thing is because that is he way the leader of the quiver full movement says women should wear their hair. Every little thing is dictated to women in that cult.
She’s stuck with a loser husband who she can’t leave because the cult around her won’t let her - I’d like to give her a ride to women’s shelter 1,000 miles away from this craziness.
Oooh, the famous “what happened” instead of “what my husband did.” The passive voice is a staple of this genre.
Honestly... she’s got 4 small children she’s taking care of on her own, my guess is she needs the money. Which really makes me sad.
I’d bet that this is voluntary. The thing that should scare you is what they did to her mind as a child to make it be that way.
Fuck TLC, I hope that no one watches this show, or that advertisers refuse to pay for ads for it, but most of all I hope that some corporate fuck pulls their head out of their ass long enough to realize they could generate some good PR by providing the victims with enough money to cover the therapy they deserve.
Yes, she gives me $7,000 per post. It freaking rules.
OMG, please tell me they got back together again!? Is this the Yoko who broke up Wham!?
Anyone who disparages Wham! or “Last Christmas” is getting coal this year.
I’m not mad at this? Treating people who support your endeavors with respect is a good thing.