
This isn’t dirtbag.

I’ve said it before but Joel McHale dm’d me on Twitter once and it’s literally one of the top 10 things that has ever happened to me

I could know the jokes without having to actually WATCH the shows.

The day is young.


I feel like that’s the whitest thing I’ve read all day.

Alternative clue thread:


“president, founding member, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, and sole member of the...”

Serious question

me when u try to pop off

Exactly. Yet another reason PP is so crucial. In a civilized society, it wouldn’t need defending, but here we are.

“Can people still get condoms for free?” They can at Planned Parenthood.

You know, I’ve seen the movies but I was fairly sure that their characters were named Ludacris and Tyrese.

When will this franchise die? I’m 100% convinced that they will continue making these movies even if all the lead characters die a painful death on set. I won’t be surprised if one of the spin-off has a scene with Paul Walker and God drifting in heaven.

Too soon? No, not too soon. He’s not dead, he’s a wealthy man that can afford treatment to keep him healthy. But maybe other people will view him as an example of what not to do. Fucking wrap it up people!!

I think it’s time to start reminding adults that condoms aren’t just for teenagers. I’d point to the Millenials and their abstinence only education, but I swear, some of the worst offenders are divorced guys in their 30s and 40s. At some point, people stopped being afraid of STDs.