Thanks for covering this, Rachel.
Thanks for covering this, Rachel.
My goodness. Miley sure is shaking up my square, conformist mindset. Has anyone seen my envelopes? Because I think they’ve all been pushed.
How did I not know this?
Sisto is also the kid from the video for “We’re Not Gonna Take It” by Twisted Sister.
So, again the only time we are going to hear about Planned Parenthood only when Hilary shoves it into the conversation.
I think it’s so the focus will be on her, not him? I would think. So he doesn’t steal her thunder or something.
I love Bernie Sanders, but when it comes to the debates he appears to be your old blustery uncle that you put at the end of the table during Thanksgiving. Also, I have taken two Kolnopin and a few beers. In bed, so hopefully nothing embarrassing will happen.
He's like the T1000 in political garb. He's so strange! That cold stare...
For quick reference:
I can’t get Will Forte’s voice out of my head whenever O’Malley talks! I think maybe they have the same speech impediment?
She’s showing a deep understanding of history, which is incredibly important for sure, but she’s also not saying much in the way for her ideas for the future.
Considering the entire point of this debate is to show your skill as it relates to the presidency, I’d say sure, yeah, that’s what she’s doing.
In short, yes. The DNC is running out the clock for Clinton. You don’t want people seeing these debates and thinking they have a choice.
Anyone getting the impression that Clinton is essentially name dropping foreign politics to show that she can?
Nothing is ever conventional in this life, nothing, enjoy yout life. It your life hon.
Whatever happens, you can be sure we’ll get a night of intelligent, detailed arguments about policy. Specifics, details, nuance, adult talk. The comparison with the republican clown car debates is entirely stark.
The second this debate started, my dog took a piss RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME and then I realized we are out of paper towels.
I think it’s strategic. It’s still a year out from the election, so if they just shut up (and avoid serious scandal) long enough for the republican party to implode, they could win by default. The republicans are doing such a good job of making themselves look like idiots there really isn’t anything the dems could do…
Not nearly enough on the Democratic side. DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who is in the tank for Hillary Clinton, not only kept the number of debates to a minimum but scheduled them so as to attract the smallest possible audience.
Skip the wine. Grab the vodka.