Look Lamar, I know Caitlyn is different, but you’ll get used to her.
Look Lamar, I know Caitlyn is different, but you’ll get used to her.
We can’t discount the possibility that Odem is simply trying to wait the Kardashians out.
Is that how you found out it was over?
They showed him a picture of all the Kardashians, told him Khloe is the one that belongs to him, and now he conveniently can’t remember anything?
I remarked to my girlfriend after she heard about this story that “if I ever get that kind of brain damage from anything, please, pull the plug. I don’t want to survive that.”
To which she said “if I found out you got brain damage after a night in a whorehouse, I’d gladly pull the plug.”
Doctor’s also report that he was able to remember to “Pass it to Kobe.”
Good. I was livid when I read this story, as it’s proof that we still have a very long way to go when it comes to LGBT equality in this country. The fight did not end just because gay people are allowed to get married in all 50 states. This couple have provided this child with a stable home, the biological mother even…
The entire world is looking to the White House.
asking questions about the real world and its real problems. I’m bit upset that this idea feels so smart and fresh for a presidential debate.
Jesus. I can’t even. I’ll never complain about a security queue again.
I think it was a fantastic job by the responsible people to prevent mass panic. They had no idea what was waiting outside until the police secured the area, and they had to get a huge amount of people out of the stadium without causing any panic. To wait until the game was over and then to open up the gates to the…
If I’m flipping channels and come across a Friends episode, I have to watch it. That show underscores my highschool and university years. I remember one early episode, when they’re all playing poker, and Rachel is being a total jerk but Ross lets her win just because she really needs a win after sucky job stuff, and…
Jennifer Aniston was replaced in Brad Pitt’s love life and everyone in the world has kept noticing for years and years and years.
There is something about this... I think it is funny in the sense of “peculiar, strange, odd.” This is a bizarre event of chance. The fact that he was leaving for hot pockets makes it slightly... surreal, for lack of a better word? I think people are having a laughter reaction to it out of stress rather than humor. We…
I thought she was Kristen Stewart, since this is her only look.
“New flavors” like when they spit in your white wine???
I’ve never seen Nashville or heard of Clara Bowen, but that was an incridbly touching story and I'm not crying at all.