
Iranian Minister of Internet Permissionism, Ajit Pai, was quoted as saying, “We are removing the absence of impedance to some Internet sites and applications in order to improve access to all Internet sites and applications. Every citizen of Iran agreed with this decision based on responses we received to an online

That’s like saying the dentist drilled through your brain but its cool cause mistakes happen. Dude has equal amount of blame if not more as they should be trained to handle situations like this and not kill someone.

If that’s the case, why have I been loving my giant-ass iPad Pro since the first day I bought it? #sorrynotsorry

Leave it to Demi Lovato to make Twitter slightly more stupid than usual.

I’d like to think that Ghost Luke will appear in Episode X to give Rey the Third Lesson. And then he’ll appear to Kylo Ren in order to troll him, just like Yoda trolled Luke.

Man, Rogue One was a dumb awesome movie.

Because you totally can’t design a battleship and a gun turret as separate projects, right?

Srsly. I got super excited when I got Gravitron Forfeit. Then I read it only increased invisibly by 2.5 seconds. I’m giving them six months, beginning this month before I just move onto something else. Who am I? A nobody for sure, but I feel like a mass exodus after they’ve fixed things, maybe they’ll realize the

The game seems insistent that the only exotic I need since the expansion is Aeon Soul gloves. I’ve gotten 4 pairs of those beyond the one you get from just doing normal storyline and so on. I fear what I’d see if I started using a working 3oC.

I’d be more outraged if D2 exotics were exciting to get in the first place.

Agree with everything you say, down to the little-kid “woohoo”!

As someone with a thing for I just wish she were younger. That thing was epic.

If Holdo had told Poe her plan, the whole middle third of the movie would have been unnecessary. Did she just not tell him cause he’s a hothead pilot? Where they worried about leaks?

I wanted Jones to win, so...?

*White Alabama did not even almost do the right thing!

“Bannon worked to create a counter-narrative that ultimately would change many Republicans’ perception of the scandal. A former filmmaker, he’s long been captivated by the propaganda films of Leni Riefenstahl”

Only a good guy with a fire space laser can stop a bad guy with a fire space laser.

You are tearing me apart, lack of cross play in destiny

And that’s only if you’re white. Anyone of color will have to enter through the service door around back.

crazy to think that someday we will all crawl into that huge pink mouth and huddle behind the shattered and tilted peaks of his teeth along the rolling wet hills of his McDonald’s-impacted gum line as he leaps, naked, out into space on a trajectory set for Earth 2, a quivering savior hurtling spread eagle through the