
I’m sorry, I have to say something. I’m a Bernie supporter, and a longtime Jezebel reader, AND I was there in the room. I shot some videos that have been aired on major networks, and I actually have a relatively neutral perspective. Could you please interview me for an alternate view of what happened, instead of just

Did you even look at anything about what happened with this debacle? Mismanagement at it’s finest. They are(were) #1 in the market for toys and yet are giving up because the task of managing expectations and manufacturing levels was too much effort to make it worthwhile long term. 2.0 was a massive disaster for them

Hilarious, but if the article from the other day is anything to go on, they really don’t.

...did...did they just quote the Doom comic?

I know I will get shot down for this, but here it goes:

Except it is really not that new. Conservation has been a driving force for zoological facilities for the last several decades.

Right, zoos are just the main groups actively involved in animal conservation. But what do you really care about that? Oh right, you don’t care.

When this new wave of VR started becoming a reality, home design and architecture were my first thoughts. I imagine being able to “tour” a building before it’s built (down to the placement/design of furniture) is going to be a very real thing very soon.

IKEA would be perfect for Augmented Reality, especially if it could generate up to scale hologram/image.

Why would anyone want to see a streamers face? People need to stop taking part of the screen up with their face.

As a liberal, I still vote for liberals even though I know conservatives will give them a harder time. I could vote for more conservative candidates who won’t be as heavily attacked by conservatives, but why?

If you think fighting against liberals is miserable, wait until you’re fighting against conservatives.

Yeah, those filthy Vietnamese with their delicious banh mi and their heavenly pho, they oughta...

I don’t accept your lifestyle as a bigot.

they all look alike AYO

Same with people of color who go to Trump’s rallies to support him and are shocked they’re distrusted and attacked: I’m supposed to feel bad that you’re so naive or stupid that you think you can support a racist and not have it blow up in your face? I can’t deal with that kind of cognitive dissonance.

And yet, there are still Republican women. How brain damaged do you have to be to be part of an organization/movement that doesn’t view you as a fully realized human?

Sanders notes that donations to his campaign average around $27 per person. And when he holds events, tickets cost “$15 or $50.” As a “self-described democratic socialist” relying on small donations rather than super-PACs is a fundamental part of his campaign ideology.