Steve Sy

Have this model; definitely recommend. Thanks Shep

Have this model; definitely recommend. Thanks Shep

Looks like highschool

Asking earnestly: At this point in the game, what are your reasons for wanting to switch to iPhone? 2013 has been a MONSTER year for ol Google.

facepalm for not knowing this sooner -_-

We've been seeing each other but without the boyfriend/girlfriend titles. Kissing and hand/arm holding is the extent of the physical. I can read body language and behaviors quite well and her body language and they way she looks at me are quite indicative of deep attraction/affection but her words say she doesn't

Been seeing a girl for 3 months, we've been acquaintances a long time. She gives all the body language signals of a girlfriend but keeps telling me I should date other people. How to proceed?

I don't follow the title of this

wtf is with the pokemon questions? Gonna ask obama for tips too?

Yes the back part is hollow and so's the back of the tv. You can open the over door and stick your hand all the way through. Towards that point we didn't have enough materials to fully encompass the back panel (the cabinet is wider than the wooden boards are sold - 34" vs. 24" so we can at most build one wall per

The duct tape was fig's idea to put the posters on.

Has anyone ever seen a Jack Thompson interview? The man is a genuinely NICE guy. He gets heat from shitting all over GTA, but he's trying to fight for something he and most parents should believe in.

160hz or 160db?

Oh and why are the stand supports off to the side? Is that purely aesthetics cause it definitely looks special.

Increases in inches increases prices EXPONENTIALLY. Double the price would be a steal. I'd like to see some "true" black demos.

Wow, €43 to €43 huh? I'll get the one for €43!

How typical to be angry (hardly justified) and lash out.