
You'd think that the reviewer would comment on that.

I've never even thought of doctoring a frozen pizza. For me that sort of defeats the purpose of it.

I was hoping for/expecting that response.

It would be truly outrageous.

I would prefer a "PRIVATE EYES" by Hall and Oates kind of future.

I think it's missing the "lovably".

I haven't watched this show in a couple of seasons, but I thought Gloria was Colombian? If that's the case, was it wrong in the episode or did the reviewer screw it up?


The only reason I think people could lay off of him is that he is clearly emotionally/mentally disturbed. That makes me want to just back away slowly from this whole trainwreck.

Makes sense. After watching both recent OJ movies I agree that is a fascinating area. I should look to see if there are any good documentaries on that.

having an iphone makes me cool and hip?

Out of curiosity, what made you watch it?

We don't eat 'meals' in my home, no. Every two hours, we eat what I like to call a 'food tease.' Like an oat wedge or a seaweed lozenge.

ON the box? You mean the cheeto covered thing IN the box, no?

Any truth to the rumor I am starting that Guy Fieri is joining the cast?

Finally someone gets me.

Now that's the only way I can read it.

That texting scene sold it for me. I'm in for another few weeks at the least to see where it goes.

Nah not if they are adults involved in the campaign.

I was actually at the TLA in Philly. Is Irving Plaza a SRO venue too? I was right by the stage in the bginning because nobody arrived yet. After Cardiac started I knew why. I was trying not be a jerk, but damn they awful. I couldn't help but laugh when they started talking about their Rock Opera. Dear lord. I