
That's weird because for me it's the opposite.

Totally not true.

Lorelai annoyed the crap out of me complaining about the restaurant.

Must be a local place? I'd do the same as the customer service rep if it wasn't spelled H.E.B.

is that not how you'd pronounce HEB?

Let me understand, you got the hen, the chicken and the rooster. The rooster goes with the chicken. So, who's having sex with the hen?

I don't think Cate Blanchett was in any others.

Also, I always thought the difference between "break" and "break up" was the expectation of reviewing their status again soon.

Exactly. They certainly were on a break. But she wasn't ok with him sleeping with someone else immediately and that's fine too.

I truly hated Ross for showing up at Rachel's office when she was working and expecting her to drop what she was doing to spend time with him.

I think it's a d

Because it seems that ASP had always wanted to end the show that way, and whether it made sense or not she was going to do it.

what did he say?

The only thing they actually ever showed Rory being good at was organizing things and keeping things running smoothly. Her community service (the old folks home, picking up trash), the DAR event, her internship, even the Yale Daily News newsroom. So sure, a bit more than an assistant (although a high level

I always thought it was odd that they rushed both Dean and Lane into a get married young type plot line. One would have been sufficient, and Lane certainly deserved better.

Mitchum Huntzberger may have been the first person to really tell Rory the truth.

"Personally, I can’t get past his intrusion into one of the most important days of her life at the Dragonfly Inn opening, and his steadfast refusal to accept their breakup, after he sued her own father."

Is that the sitcom version of Handmaid's Tale?

Cookie? Cookie Googleman?

What kind of restaurants are we talking about? Chicken fingers and grilled cheese could be perfectly acceptable depending on where we are.