
What you're experiencing is often referred to as a "Heteronormative" outlook. This is "denoting or relating to a world view that promotes heterosexuality as the normal or preferred sexual orientation". The idea that heterosexuality, even though it is far more common than homo or bisexuality is more "normal" than other

GamerGate is no more about journalistic ethics than the Civil War was about states' rights.

And that's why people continue to dwell on Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian and Brianna Wu? None of the Gamergate stuff has remotely been about how AAA publishers interact with media outlets. The ethics claim is a fig leaf for 'aggrieved' gamers having an existential crisis.

There was no 'GamerGate', there was no movement, there was not a huge outcry.

And if it was actually about ethics in video game journalism, it would have started a long time before Zoe Quinn made an indie game for a novel concept.

Unhitch your cause, whatever it is, from #GamerGate. Its moved well beyond the point of redemption. Find another name, find another fight, find another way of expressing what you want ("ethics in journalism" or whatever— good luck with that) #GamerGate is done.

All it takes is one unhinged person to kill someone. That her home address was published makes it materially easier for that to happen, which was the intent of publishing it — to terrorize women into keeping silent through threats of violence towards them. "We know where you live," it says. Can you tell the