My thoughts too. I saw the article, thought "oh this thing again", then moved on. Then later, I clicked on it, and was enthralled... why?
My thoughts too. I saw the article, thought "oh this thing again", then moved on. Then later, I clicked on it, and was enthralled... why?
I don't like this whole, "He emotes with his helmet" thing
I like video game related toys and stuff, but I don't see these as much beyond interesting little figurines, and I have better of these characters that I want.
Cookie Clicker?
Oh, right. Okay.
I respect your right to be an idiot.
I don't actually understand the winner.
It's not the same thing the whole time you have to stop acting so important and just watch the whole thing.
Watch the whole thing.
You didn't watch it through so stop making judgments about it when you haven't even seen it.
Why did you edit out the part about Bro Team Pill?
Nope. Some people make full use of the language and some people are idiots and think that there are secret motives behind people using words that exist to describe something in their intended way.
Oh, I see what you're talking about if I squint. That black line on the bottom of the pursed lips really needs to touch the black line on the left. Or that black line on the left needs to go and just keep the lips and the cheek.
I was more referring to the mouth, he has pursed lips, but also a mouth line and a smile line to the left of his pursed lips. I feel like it might've been a layers mistake or something. It's like he has 2 mouths.
This is terrible too... who runs their marketing team?
any people
so edgy
They also modeled all the insides of all the buildings and you can go into any building you want and explore.