He actually doesn't really look much like the action figure OR the box cover.
He actually doesn't really look much like the action figure OR the box cover.
Yeah, that'll be clean enough.
Does Notch even do anything anymore though? I don't think he actually has a purpose at Mojang beyond Founder/Figurehead.
I thought that they've talked about attempted acquisitions even probably Microsoft before and just blanketely said that it's not what they do.
Good thing they're not in the US or those cops would probably have emptied their clips into them.
Yeah, that's a healthy optimistic way to look at it.
Yeah. Put stuff in it. Or don't...
No, you don't blow on it, you put the cartridge just almost in and then push it over the lip and it works perfect.
I think it's depressing that they have a Nintendo controller iphone case when they don't even know what it is. Why would you want to make your phone look like something that you literally don't even know what is?
It's a oonerspism
Would it really be bad trolling if you didn't know if it was or not?
I dunno.I just had to.
No, it's that it's perfect and has no flaws.
You think every word has a grey definition?
I don't see how anyone is "lumped in" with anyone unjustifiably. People are willingly being a part of groups that are inundated with misogynists and trolls.
best trailer ever.
Is that your outlook on everything, or just video games?
I just think it's funny when people, especially people that are probably not usually the fashion-conscious "look critic" types (which you very well could be, I dunno), judge people harshly based on their fashion choices.
Agreed on that style looking like it's more cartoony than everything else, but why do you care how people paint their nails?