Ah. That flashing "press start" with no start to press.... maddening.
Ah. That flashing "press start" with no start to press.... maddening.
If you say so. I honestly don't see what point you are trying to make. You just quoted me and didn't point out exactly what you think is wrong with the statement. You have opinions on things but you don't trust your own opinions? If you think the other peoples opinions are just as valid as yours, then where does your…
That's true, and most games during that era were bad. There are ways to teach game mechanics without tutorials.
So it's okay to critique something hugely popular and say that you don't think it has merit and list the reasons why, but if you use the word "overrated" you suddenly become an arrogant asshole? Even though if you omit the word you are still doing the exact same thing, just not using a specific word?
Yup, and that's A-OK
It must be hard to have to click and read everything you see.
I think the video is dead on and I've been saying the same things for a long time, and not BECAUSE CONTROVERSY... because I'm not a blogger, it's just how it is.
You basically just called every critical look at any piece of media assholism... You don't seem like much of a deep thinker.
BioShock is... Slenderman is a classic creepypasta... "classic" has to so more with timeless nature than age.
You don't get any special placement for being first. Anyone at any time could say, I got here first, in B4 whatever, but your placement is based on popularity... so it's a bit irrelevant.
"And the CHARACTER Sonic was, the GAME was not. The game mechanics had it's own inspirations beyond just being Sega's Mascot game. To say Sonic was only created to be a mascot is a huge disservice to the developers who made the game."
I thought "tricking" was the same as "turning tricks"...
That's not how comments work here...
So Sonic games do a poor job of teaching their gameplay mechanics. I agree.
The Genesis games were shit too. That's specifically what the video is about.
You know, I think the Sonic games suck for the same reasons as the video does, but I've seen speed runs of Sonic, and there are definitely techniques that they commonly use to blast through enemies and keep going fast and not getting hit that I never knew about. This doesn't mean that the game is any better, it just…
So you think that having a negative opinion of something that varies from the status quo is arrogant? So you like everything that is popular? You like every single thing that is critically acclaimed?
Do you actually know what it means?
Yeah, that's exactly what the video says, and exactly what has always been terrible about Sonic games.
Yeah, after I became an adult all of these things became apparent. Sonic has never been good. It was always a bad game.