
Oh yeah, like we don't know what the Pope is really hiding under that big-ass hat.


You hurt my head with that one.

Of course they're going to bite me. They don't call it a phobia for nothing!

I find the greatest benefit of achievements comes from judging whether or not I'm getting my money's worth on a purchase. If I buy three racing games and find that I have only accomplished thirty percent of the achievements, I'm more likely to avoid a fourth racing game purchase. It saves money and makes me realize

Regarding piracy: you can't steal what you only send input to. You can bet the Big 3 are watching OnLive very closely.

The future is going to look back on these theories and laugh so hard after they realize this "entanglement" of two particles is simply the same particle as observed between misunderstood nth space. And I should know, because I'm from the future!

Aaaand still no parachute.

@Gary_7vn: Nice! and searchable, too. Bye bye library.

I can think of one great use that libraries offer that you can't get on the Internet; access to newspaper articles with photos going back a hundred plus years on microfiche. At least, I could do that at my community college library; I can't speak for public libraries.

@akacrash: But... but who will get the box after I've pushed it?

@Antoine Prince: Cloud gaming would be win-win for gamers and content providers. You can't pirate a game that you are only sending input to across the Internet. It would be in the best interest of every content provider (games, music, movies, etc.) to lobby as hard as possible to get those broadband pipes opened up as

@apollon: This is another reason why next gen consoles won't arrive before 2013. Nintendo and Microsoft know that they can't keep using DVD and won't commit to a competitors format. They see digital downloads as the only way to stay competitive, so they are gambling on the Internet toobs to open up and save them. My

Six years after the demise of Trinitron!

@ergheiz: But why life your life in a bubble of false dilemma? Personally, I'm counting on 60 virgins plus a huge space to store the shit I CAN take with me.

@Mark 2000: You might as well say no one uses Microsoft Word anymore. Every design and engineering department up here at Los Alamos National Labs uses AutoCAD. Now that you've read the above, you must erase it from your memory... or risk disappearing.

@navi1101: Douchey migrated Californian right here! I'll live with the title so long as I don't have to move back to L.A.

I moved to Santa Fe after spending the first 30 years of my life in Southern California. Absolutely love it. After years of gridlock and SIG alerts, traffic in Santa Fe is a joke. Instead of just worrying about getting from point A to B, I look up every once in a while when I'm driving and say, "Hey, look... purple