
Frosted Quakes?!

“Somewhere, Fancy Pelosi is being fitted for her new shades so she can stunt on these GOPers when she goes to give her speech about how she Debo’d the president and punk’d him into opening the government.

If Caddy’s plans come to fruition their fleet would be much stronger. 

Cadillac’s Situation Continues To Escalade

Probably just a bad crimp at the connector.   

Well, the Bronco and the Ranger nameplates are back.

Let’s be real- before JJ and the cast made ST09, Trek was DEAD. I DON'T think it's ego so much as the property is worth less without them and they know it. THAT'S a fact. They would rather not go through the hassle of being part of the franchise (remember, the Trek franchise goes beyond the regular PR and fan demands

Which is a real shame because the third, not directed by Abrams, was the best yet. 

So his future career is a big shrouded mystery where the answer will ultimately be sort of disappointing?  Weird.

Hyundai Veloster.

Roller Coaster 2 looks too intense for me

I mean, standing in line during peak season at Cedar Point feels like roughly twelve years, so he’s capturing an authentic experience here.

But as well as asking the question we all want it to ask—where in the world is Carmen Sandiego, naturally—it asks another, too. Who in the world is she?

This kit makes total sense..

If I want entertainment from robots, I'd visit the Satellite of Love. 

Hopefully it can shed some light on the subject.

$5 billion for water infrastructure upgrades and testing in schools seems like a much better way to spend that much money...but what do I know...I’m just a kid from Flint who was forced to learn all things water after the government poisoned us...

Funny, she doesn’t look kaijuish...

I’ll make sure to pick this up at my local Thrawn shop.

it’s more than likely most of the movie’s Skrulls are going to be using their shapeshifting powers in order to skulk around without being detected.”