
Are people actually enthused by this news? It’s still episodic, right? It’s probably coming out after Donald’s first term, right? Move along and give us a FF VI remake already, Squeenix, even if it is a 3DS version a la the FF IV DS version.

Yeah. When the moon’s in the sky and all you see are blue eyes, that’s a Moray!

There’s probably going to be some entrepeneurial engineers who figure out how to stuff 40-60kWh in the battery bay and sell them as Leaf conversion kits. As my buddy pointed out, electric motors don’t really wear out like gas engines, and since everything on the car is electrically powered (no hydraulics) the thing

I can’t wait until people start chopping these things up for EV conversions.

Dual Motor 48kwh AWD would make for some fun swaps

I FUCKING LOVE LEARNING. David, we need more articles like this from you. Are you the official Jalopnik Technology Correspondent? If not, that should be your title.

Oh fucking fuck me. Fuck this. Fuck Trump. Fuck anyone who voted for him. I don’t give a shit if you like to hear it, Trump voters. You just steered our country directly toward the pits of hell, and if your feelings are hurt by me telling you that, good. Maybe you will think next time you vote instead of pulling the

I’m still waiting for this beauty

The idea of being able to customize and order the wagon online is great. My experience in dealerships shopping for a new car last year (Jeep, 3x Toyota, Subaru) was that brands have the car you want SOMEWHERE in the network, but not necessarily in a place that makes sense or that they’re willing to sell you.

I’m gonna be old guy here:

There were too many Pirates of the Caribbean films once they started work on the second one.

with aging makeup, I think this is the best choice......Let Natalie finish it out on a high note

I’d say Gillian Anderson if only because she seems to have the same filthy sense of humour than Ms Fisher had. But also because she can play tough cookies.

Wait for it, wait for it ... I vote Jenny Agutter.

Stevie Nicks. She does bear resemblance and is the right age.

Cast Stevie Nicks.

I dunno, I thought CGI Tarkin and Leia were exceptionally well done.

no matter what choice they make it’ll be the wrong one to a number of people.

Don’t think of it as Sanders expecting Trump to have integrity. Think of it as Sanders reminding everyone “This is what Trump said, this is what he promised, is he a liar or just unable to control his party?”

The polls weren’t that far off. The election swung on one or two out of every 100 votes.