
Just the skin pallor alone is enough to make me stop and think “Wait, is he, like, for-real terminally ill or something? It’s one thing to make fun of a guy for falling out of the ugly tree and hitting every branch on the way down. Or that haircut, but I repeat myself.” 

Exhibit #7,432 for why I’ll never start.

“Behind every great man in a fight, is his girlfriend squawking like a crow with laryngitis.”

He looks like what would happen if your barber found out that you slept with his wife

It’s fucking totally dysfunctional. It’s that fucking bad up there.

Dodged a bullet when I was 7 and came home from a trip to the store with my mom excited to show my dad a Mark Rypien jersey I bought with my birthday money. He asked why the hell I’d buy a Rypien jersey, I told him that they won the Super Bowl so they’re my favorite team and he explained that bandwagoning was dumb,

They go into cardi-yak arrest.

Im not even a Falcons fan! But as a good decent ethical human being, i despise the Patriots much like the Avengers despise Thanos. And seeing them get curbstomped like that was pure literal ecstasy.

Your backup is pick-six artisan Matt Schaub, who is apparently still alive and employable.

It doesn’t help that its a pretty ugly looking truck.

My grandfather survived the Holocaust because he was a Nazi.

If he’s old enough to disrespect the anthem, then he’s old enough to have sex with Alan Dershowitz.

If we HAVE to stand for a specific song, and HAVE to put our hands on our hearts or risk getting jacked are we really free?

This reply is burfict.


Seriously, what is with him whipping his arm out after release? It’s in both.

I never could stand NDT, and it offends me that he’s considered the heir to the throne of Carl Sagan. Sagan was a constant advocate for science and was personable and empathetic. In contrast, Tyson is a pedant that thinks he’s the science pope.

The ironic syngery of “greenvegan2011" yelling about “FAKE NEWS” is just . . .

Somewhere, Jon Gruden is scribbling ideas into his playbook...

Biggest missed opportunity in the Endgame script...