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Although the current IndyCar V6's aren’t my all time fav (2.65L Turbo V8 era or bust), they still do make a lovely noise screaming at you, down shifting, turbo whistling, and then blasting away:

Sounds like you may have a similar problem

When a fried chicken place explodes, it’s not Gus’. He is the one who explodes fried chicken places!

Right, because nothing makes me feel at home in my $75,000 track toy like the interior from a compact economy car.

It’s just you.

There are some folks who might object to (((Adam Silver))) playing an Iowa farmer. These are the same people who put their ethnicity as "American" on the Census.

Adam Silver looks like the lead in the Disney live action remake of the American Gothic painting.

then you haven’t been paying attention for ~40 years.

This article and these criticisms are to me off base as well. He is trying to be a parent to a 14 year old girl with superpowers. No parent wants their 14 year old daughter making out with her boyfriend every day all day. Yeah, he was tough, but that is realistic and totally in character for him as he is a new parent.

If you think Hopper was bad, you should see what they did with the Mind Flayer. That character became COMPLETELY unlikable.

Yeah I respectfully disagree with this completely. I found Hopper’s behavior to be a new father who would have struggled with a teenage daughter (as many do IRL) in even the best of circumstances, and their circumstances are hardly ideal.

This sizzling hot take brought to you by someone who’s never had a smug little teenage shit disrespect him in his own home. I’ve banned one of my son’s friends from my house for a year for lying to my face about washing his hands after he used the bathroom (I can hear the bathroom sink from the kitchen you little

Not really. Incels are gonna incel because that’s kinda how sexism workes. Might as well troll the ever loving shit out of them and let the rest of the world laugh at them.

well seeing as how this an article about a bunch of outrageous claims being made on Twitter to slander her because the slanders will reach more people than the corrections.  I’m guessing publishing an unsubstantiated Twitter claim wasn’t high on their list of priorities but top marks for doing exactly what all those

Wow, couldn’t even bother with the thoughts and prayers. Went straight to looting.

Do you think the usual MAGA choads will start blowing dog whistles now or wait ?

It seems like Carlos Cordeiro misprounces her name until you realize this dude wrote his speech.  

I was going to say “I’m surprised they gave them anything”. Not because they didn’t deserve anything, just because airlines suck.

OK, if you file all the permits and plans with the county and they fail to notice that your home has increased in value, that’s on them. That’s the sort of thing EVERYONE gets away with, not just the ultra-rich.

STEAM (they added “Arts” to the acronym in most venues)