
As a teenager, my sister regularly played against Megan Rapinoe and her twin sister. My sister went on to be all-state in high school and all conference in college and blah blah blah (whatever, dad, I was good at sports too!!!), but I’m sure if I look hard enough in my parents’ garage, I could find some old VHS tapes

I recognized Jeremiah Johnson the first time I saw the Meme. Comes with the territory growing up in the 70's and 80's with a mother who used to say that Robert Redford could park his boots under her bed any ol’ time.

Bless your heart.

What idiot came up with the idea to wear nice clothes on a cramped, uncomfortable flight? That never made sense to me. People are starting to ignore things that don’t make sense, I’ve noticed.

I work at an airport and I see A LOT of female passengers who were revealing clothing, especially in the summer. Bare midriff tops and booty shorts seem to predominate, and I have to make it a point not to look to long.

It’s to make a point. That flying while black is just like driving while black, BBQing while black, entering the apartment complex where you live while black, and so forth. You can be any number of things and still catch racist bullshit from people who hate you for your success.

Was just in Grants Pass for a wedding and was shocked at how pretty it was, even though my friend who’s lived there for a decade kept telling me about it.

You’re making an argument no one is making. No one would argue that a speedo does not violate the dress code, even in its current ambiguous form. What the woman here was wearing, which is the equivalent of a pair of shorts and a halter top, also likely does not violate the dress code in any way. Unless you’re saying

Dear Penthouse,

Nah Delta’s ok. Alaska’s surprisingly really good too.

I live in Oregon but once you get outside of Portland, Eugene and Bend we’re overrun with proudly uneducated white supremacist MAGAts. Though the same can be said for Washington anywhere outside of Seattle. I haven’t been to Idaho but I heard Cour d’Alane and areas up north are beautiful and Boise is really nice but

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Habor?

What bothered me so much after the tragedy was the criticism of my wife. I heard comments like, “How can she be a responsible grandmother when she can’t even raise her own kids?” Of course, this narrative took off on the talk shows. It was nasty; it went above and beyond. I promised her that I’d never do another talk

This is going into the same bank as the video where Buzz Aldrin punched a moon-landing denier in his dumbass face

Plus the video of Richard Spencer getting sucker-punched on TV.

They were unapologetically American. Brash and confident. They came in as the favorite and they didn’t try to downplay that fact with an “Aww shucks we’re just happy to be here and we’re gonna try real hard.” attitude. They owned that and then danced on the graves of anybody who dared doubt them. And it was fucking

If you were Barron, would you ever go on the internet?

“Money is used to benefit people who aren’t me!

A few years back I had a month to kill before starting a new job. Being mayor/builder of my city in Skylines literally became my full-time occupation. My gf almost left me - understandable.

Ori and the Blind Forest is a nice exception to the RPG rule. Heck, Ace Combat games even have nice original music and unexpectedly emotional tracks.