
If you're the kind of simpleton that likes honking off to military shit, sure.

Snowboarders take up more room on the lifts

Agreed! Moguls on the side of trails where they don’t belong/aren’t marked because skiers decided to make them are the worst. No snowboarder seeks out moguls.

Mother of god. The moguls argument is exceptionally infuriating. What snowboarder actually seeks out moguls. I ride them out of necessity not out of any interest. I know I’m overly generalizing but still. I see just as many average skiers wreck moguls as snowboarders. I see just as many skiers as snowboarders take up

They should hang it in their old building, right before they demolish it.

“If Mackenzie Were Alive Today, I’d Like To Think She’d Be A Stoolie” - by Dave Portnoy

Razr, FFS.


I’m a commercial photographer and have had the pleasure of working with a number of car brands on their campaigns, I couldn’t help but admire this picture! - And mentally disassemble it. A lot of thought and work went into it!

No one could answer the phone, they were lowering the flag to half-mast.


There is a part of me, as someone genuinely interested in criminal justice reform, that gets squeamish whenever someone’s criminal past is brought up to scandalize them, especially for a crime that took place a long time ago and for which they served their time (and especially when it is implied that they got too

This exactly. He is claiming he had a consensual relationship with someone he raped and isn’t paying child support for a kid he is solely responsible for conceiving.

I sincerely appreciate this point of view -- but he not only shows zero remorse for what he did, he appears to have convinced himself he did nothing wrong, and edited the facts to match. He remains a POS and has gotten far better than he deserved.

This article is jaw-dropping. Incredible. The white privilege in this country never ceases to amaze me. Who was this guy that he could get 8 months in prison for charges that could have put him away for a decade or more??

This is incredible work. I don't care at all about pro basketball but this was riveting. I'm grateful for a site like Deadspin that can give me some yuks about how my Saints suck ass and turn around and uncover such important hidden information about the underbelly of the sports world.

at least they found the poopertrator

That last line . . . ::gigglesnort::

I think its especially sad that Little Donnie is obviously trying so hard to impress Dada with all of his big man outdoorsman weight lifting beard growing crap when anyone who knows Trump knows that shit is the last thing in the world that he would ever give a fuck about.

Even aside from how dumb this whole interview is, like come on with this, man: