
Personally, I would tell the jackass that did that that I was not paying for it and they need to take that pizza back to their restaurant and show their supervisor what they did. I’d then call the place up and explain exactly what I said and for them to make sure they see what that delivery driver did to that pizza.

I think 99% of people flatter themselves by thinking anyone wants to hear the inane conversations they have everyday. What, do you think they sit around going, “Hey Dave, you gotta hear this. This guy wants his wife to pass him the pepper!”

Why not just give Musk the kudos he deserved without the backhand? He did a nice thing helping where no one else did and he did so for free. He didn’t profiteer, so I don’t know how that is disaster capitalism. If he gets to demonstrate his tech, I’m fine with that.

Your editorial practice of blacking out the eyes of animals suspected of doping (you did it to a horse last week) is magnificent.

Me: I must try this.

Genius is oft decried as heresy by those who are butt.

You seem like someone who has good takes and is fun at parties. Please DM me your info so I can invite you to my next party.

Sieg fail!

Megasquirt that bugger.

Sitting at work like:

sitting at my desk (as the father of a teenage daughter who’s been actively involved in sports since she was 4 years old) thinking about all of ways i would torture these miserable excuses for human beings. this fucker needs to hang by his balls from the uneven bars. 

Sitting at my desk thinking about the courage it takes for these women and girls to come forward...

Awwww, looks like someone’s fee-fees were hurt :`-(

I can’t decide if they’re intentionally distorting or if they genuinely don’t understand.

 I’ve had huge tips, no tips; I’ve been tipped in cash, beer, pot, bags of bagels, and a giant bag of pistachios. Seen more tits and penises than I care to remember (why do people think the rules of society no longer apply at hotels?), interrupted sex with my knock a dozen times. Delivered to a guy who stopped the

Little know fact, back in the 1960s and 70s, men actually had tiny turkey brains so any time they showered there was always a risk that they would look up at the showerhead and open their mouths, thereby drowning in the process. Because women were too smart to do this, it was actually imperative they every man had a

Which branch of the military is the NFL?

Unless I’m mistaken, it won’t actually impact the NFL at all. Those rights are sold ahead of time, then the network recoups the fees through advertising. It’ll hurt the network or local affiliate, not the NFL. If those revenue streams decrease long term, then yeah, the NFL won’t be able to charge what they do. But the

Why are football players governed by “military regs”? Ball players are not drafted into the military.