
If Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande’s celebrity love affair can’t last, what chance do Trump and Kanye have?

So everyone will stop talking about it now, right?

Well, let me tell you all something. I was 21, and always very self conscious about my acne, having it in college was horrible. One day I was home, and my mom said my dad and her booked an appointment at a new Dermo. I went, and told him how I have tried everything, including all those prescribed medications. Nothing

Typical schedule:

Also if you didn’t cry when Serena said “you owe me an apology” because you felt that in you, too then GTFOH.

We don't make prison rape jokes anymore, grandpa. 

When America sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing crime, they’re bringing drugs, they’re Roseanne...

oh god fixing thank you!

this was very good. For someone who has been to a number of different treatment centers and levels of treatment (last inpatient was last year) and is still struggling, I find these types of topics really interesting, not just because people who mean well consistently suggest facilities that this or that person went to

“Thou shalt not speak comparatively of thyself and anyone/anything involved in the Holocaust, lest thou art instantly transmogrified into a douche.

I’m on my ~weight loss journey~ trying to lose 56 pounds and so far i’ve lost 3, but even though i’ve only lost a few pounds, I feel good. My focus is more on making healthier habits and working on losing the unhealthy ones (like binge-eating disorder and body dysmorphia and eating pints of ice cream for breakfast and

...and she literally said she isn’t using it. I am telling her to get off the fence because it is all loss and no (Ro)gain(e) to wait. That is why I said use THE Rogaine, not “Hey have you heard of this great stuff called Rogaine?”

I just read the suggestions in Stefon’s voice. They sound like they could be the next hottest club. 

To the people who use this I’d just say that you’re making yourself a weak person by refusing to expose yourself to these things, but if you want to work at insulatingyourself from ever having another emotional reaction to anything ever again I suppose that’s your right.

I happen to think the vilest most awful people alive are those who place towels on loungers to “reserve” them and then disappear for hours at a time. It should be a war crime if you ask me.

I’m surprised I didn’t see spiranolactone mentioned anywhere in this article. It’s the ONLY thing that has gotten my hormonal adult acne under control, and I’ve tried pretty  much everything. I still get pimples from time to time, but they’re usually one-offs (as opposed to cluster breakouts) and don’t get nearly as


I think there should be a separate category for fake chicken burgers. My vote is for Morningstar Farms!

“Is plant protein better for you than animal protein?”

Should be pronounced Shite.