
@AndroidTeamStrike: Too bad, I can imagine this thing being pretty intimidating.

It looks like grandpa took the Chevrolet for a dip.

@Slinkytech: Not many people? I've read over 8% of iPhone owners jailbreak. Considering more than 9 million iPhones have been sold to date, that would mean more than 720,000 people have jail broken their phone. That's a lot of fucking people.

That docking station looks kinda cool... so does that PS3 controller.

"I use my browser more than my operating system."

Honestly, I went to Best Buy and demoed an iPad for myself. I came out unimpressed by some of the 3D-performance, but found the general operations snappy. By the end I still felt my original synopsis was correct... The thing is a toy. Only now, I realized how heavy it actually is in my admittedly not incredibly beefy

Deleted my account and never looked back about a year ago. Since then, my days have been more productive, and I have more meaningful conversations with friends that would normally be attributed to a simple, ineffective wall post before.

@blehbleh13: It's cool. It's a nice night, I just felt talkative anyhow.

@Wowzur: Right, what roles are those, and do you think this excerpt showcases her talent well?

@blehbleh13: Certainly a perspective on the matter. Thanks for the response! While I don't think she has been met with the historical acclaim of Monroe, I think her sentiments as a sort of mini-poster child for an industry that doesn't capitalize on sex appeal as much as movies or television might actually be a decent

Most are going to be biased against her on the basis that her motives are unclear. Is she hawking her sex appeal and self-assumed cuteness in the face of a rapidly evolving industry traditionally not associated with sexy, risque females? Or can her sentiments on technology really be taken in at an intellectual level?

@legodt: If that joke was too good, I don't even want to imagine your bad jokes. :P

@Arken: Because men have women to take their frustration out on.

@cec: It's cool, no worries.

@cec: Yeah, there's no way I was being sarcastic when comparing it to a movie where the guys in space suits find a portal to hell in the middle of a spaceship.

Where are the sub 100 dollar ebook readers? These things should really be dirt cheap by now considering how limited they are.

Oh I get it! Deadspace right? No wait... Event Horizon!

Apparently if you're 5' 11" you have a soul mate! Here I come ladies!