
He doesn’t have to be convicted. As soon as the fact that he’s not actually rich goes public, all of his support will evaporate. Reps will scatter away from him like roaches when you flip the lights on. It isn’t a matter of our criminal justice system doing the right thing. It definitely won’t, but that’s fine for us

The only thing the Mueller report has made clear is that you shouldn’t send a Republican in to police another Republican. On top of that, Mueller is old school. He believes in the “sanctity of the office” and all that shit, so he didn’t name Trump in the report and called him “Induvidual-1” instead. Everything that

I know exactly how full of shit he is and I’m voting for him in November. I’d rather see Trump win POTUS 2020 and go down in flames by being arrested for financial crimes while in office than see Biden kick the can down the road and do absolutely nothing. I truly believe that doing mortal damage to the Republican

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All true. Also, code spec can be a lot stronger depending on where you are. It’s much harder to get a shitty house to pass code in, say, Michigan than in the south. When I think shitty houses that are code legal, I always think Texas, specifically San Antonio. They literally sheet houses in cardboard down there, it’s

If you are doing drywall or plaster repair, do yourself a favor and pick up a gallon of this stuff:

All home improvements are equal, but some are more equal than the rest.

Given that the S&P 500 got outperformed by zombie company stocks by the largest margin ever in April, the inclusion of Tesla among the biggest of blue-chips is probably the least illogical thing happening on Wall Street right now. 

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“It’s got a normal roll of fiberglass between the rafters and a good 12" of blown in on top of it.”

There’s such a thing as building to a standard above code spec. A million dollar house built to the minimum code standard for efficiency is pathetic. It speaks to idiocy on the side of both the owner and the builder. You can heat a 5000 square foot house on 1500 watts (in Canada!) if you build the house well and spend

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You got scammed, but don’t feel bad. Probably 75% of new construction these days is fly-by-night scam artist bullshit. It’s an un-insulated attic space in your house I assume? Big energy efficiency mistake right there, among many others I’m sure.

As construction products have gotten better, contractors have gotten

“Some of us are getting ready to start digging trenches if they keep escalating this.”

Why haven’t you started already? These guys aren’t cops. Nobody local is looking out for them. State authorities actively despise them for stepping over their authority. Their handlers are all in DC, which is awfully far away from

I have not, but COVID has done a real number on my reading list and I am a voracious reader of non-fiction in general so I sure as hell will be adding that title on in a timely fashion! Many thanks for the recommendation.

Yea the anti-sex thing especially stands out when you look at how sex-crazed the Victorian Era English were and how unbothered about sex/nudity the modern British public is despite the many other similarities between English and American culture.

The dead don’t feel regret. I hope his lifespan stretches out for at least another 20 years so as to allow a greater expanse of suffering. 

Don’t forget that most of them were Puritans, an interpretation of Christianity that was so backward, illogical and oppressive not even the British could stand them.

Fuck, man. Right in the feels.

No shit. 100% reality TV logic. That is the only way he has ever understood the world. Make noise. If someone is saying something you don’t like, make louder noise.

The murder in Loisville, the EU banning American travelers, Russia paying bounties for dead US soldiers, Barr caught openly committing treason, the COVID resurgence, the laughably pathetic turn-out for his Tulsa rally, ongoing police brutality protests, Biden’s increasingly strong polling numbers...

Compared to that

Nah, what he (his team) wanted was to distract from the increasingly treasonous horse-shit they’ve been getting up to with the whole NYC DA’s office fiasco. Add in embarrassments over the EU banning American travelers due to our failure to deal with COVID, the story about Russia paying bounties for dead US soldiers,

The idea that a person who can afford a brand new iPhone doesn’t already have at least a half-dozen USB charging bricks laying around their home is laughable.

+1 on the environmental front. Just imagine the sheer tonnage of plastic that won’t go to waste because of this.