That’s the scenario that makes sense to me. Would have been nice to have that clarified in the article itself.
That’s the scenario that makes sense to me. Would have been nice to have that clarified in the article itself.
Will your conscience be clear when TWENTY MILLION people lose their health insurance because of The Left’s limp-wristed tactics?
Politics is a low-down, dirty, mean, nasty business and it will probably never not be. Maybe we can work on that if a progressive agenda actually takes hold for longer than ten minutes in…
I don’t get it. Why do they need the court to side with them in order to have their son treated in the USA. They got 1.3 million pounds via their fundraising. Can’t they just... take the kid to America? Is it that they needed his hospital in the UK to keep him on life support longer?
This comment was unquestionably made by a person who has unironically said all four of the ‘phrases you should never say’ from the article and would be really defensive if ever confronted about it.
A- Looney Toon. Not bad at all, would laugh at again.
Worse than that, McDonald’s corporate was caught red-handed directly telling their low-level employees to abuse government aid so as to supplement their criminally low wages.
“Katech” should mean “About 800 horsepower”
I’m thinking their Stage 3 E85 package? You boys are gonna need all the help you can get keeping that monster cool on the mountain. You’d be nuts to pass up the increased power potential and decreased EGTs that fueling with alcohol will provide.
I’ve got a pretty good idea of…
A lot of work.
If Infowars Life Products work so incredibly well and make people so healthy, then why does Alex Jones look like a bratwurst that exploded on the grill? He’s only 43 years old and you could see his hypertension from space.
Just keep after the little things. I would recommend a respected independent mechanic rather than dealer servicing. I don’t know if BMW is still trying to pull that “lifetime fluid” bullshit, but if they are don’t believe them. There’s no such goddamn thing as a lifetime fluid. Coolant, differential, transmissions,…
“BMW’s are not designed to last for more than 30k miles.”
The “innate value” of all workers is functionally zero. There is no single worker who is so good at their job that they couldn’t be replaced with absolute ease.
On a track as long as the Nurburgring all it takes is smoothing out bumpy sections of pavement. Reshaping and rebuilding the worn inner-edges of sharper turns can also allow for much faster lap times. Flatter or re-located curbs can contribute as well.
“However I don’t want to see male characters written out of existence and entire genres removed with very specific storytelling techniques because someone is uncomfortable.”
North America most definitely hosted complex societies well before Europeans showed up. In the 1500's, there were upwards of 100 million Native Americans living on the continent. They built roads and cities, cultivated gardens and fields.
“They’ve cut out the cheese”
I feel like fighting games in general have a much more culturally and racially diverse competitive scene as compared to the FPS or MOBA scenes. I’ll definitely agree though that Smash takes the cake.
Kelly Turnbull has seen the drag queen dinosaur vision and has shown that it is good.
Looking to do DIY or do you just want pre-fab stuff?
Haha, quite a bit. Granted, I buy most of my tools used and refurbish them myself, but I still have over $2K invested in my wood-working equipment.
That wouldn’t be worth it if all I did was build stereos with those tools, but half the furniture in my house has come out of that little shop: