You probably don't make an 8-figure salary though :|
You probably don't make an 8-figure salary though :|
Came here to say exactly this.
The key was left in the car, guaranteed.
Yea, the unreliability thing is actually untrue for NA rotaries, but you forgot to mention the pathetically anemic power band. Rotaries might make decent peak horsepower, but they feel so slow.
Haha, wow, I mention HB 2 and now I'm a Democrat? Good work there Sherlock. I'm a registered Republican in Indiana, so go fuck yourself on that count.
Still a complete fail. HB 3351 should have been given a higher priority. They obviously had plenty of time to pass, say, their precious anti-choice bill. They gave it such a high priority that they hardly did anything else before passing it. That bill was HB 2: a perfect illustration of where Texas Republican's true…
Come on people! Who could ever forget the Cadillac of minivans in Get Shorty!?
If those laws were so historic and untouchable, then why did so many dealership-associated parties throw hundreds of thousands of dollars at Texas politicians when Tesla came calling?
Fuck yourself pal. It's you dumbasses who elected the assholes that forced Tesla out of the state. Get your shit together next time and maybe your elected officials won't pass up an opportunity to earn billions of dollars of revenue for their state just because they were given a few hundred grand in campaign…
" could have gone horribly wrong."
Jesus Christ, +1
"I side-eye why an organization would send someone to cover this if not to make a spectacle of the occasion"
"...some of the most desirable brands on Earth."
Don't worry! If you have an older 3DS you can just use this stupid fucking thing:
Shut the fuck up you pedantic twit.
"Marriage implies long term commitment, which implies love."
If he's anything like most home-brew vehicle builders then he decided based on what was available/what would fit with his design. When saddled with a limited budget, you only get to make a few free choices and then all other aspects of the build are dictated by simple necessity.