No, they did not.
No, they did not.
I really don't know?
"Why would they fork over that much cash, then?"
No, but one is going to have to happen before the other. The oceans will have to be a safe place once more before we can eliminate the need to have these animals in captivity.
Other than the Thyroid system, the only thing that effects how you get nutrients from food is your gut flora. There is nothing else involved. Your comparison of different metabolic rates and "poor sense of smell" goes to show just how little you understand this subject.
Yes. A car is a terrible place to listen to high-fidelity audio. Only extremely advanced "room-correction" techniques can make a stereo sound properly good inside of a car, and even then it will always be a compromise.
"Thin people exist because they do not digest their food and crap most of it out."
The right diet will set you up with the right gut flora.
Well, you are a kid; of course you think the muddy, bass-heavy stereo in your Ram sounds better. Kids think that Beats headphones sound great too.
Big problems indeed. Well said.
Yes, our problems lie with more than just the prisons themselves. Our entire penal system is is woeful. As you say, there are a great many people who are deeply invested in the current system and who will fight tooth and nail to preserve its horribleness. We've got a long road to recovery ahead of us.
The USA could un-fuck a great many things in our society if we just stole the hard work of other nations who have, statistically, solved most of the problem:
Ehh, "hard wired" is a little strong. There are a rare few who might be accurately described that way.