
The Coen Brother are my favorite filmmakers but I avoided Burn After Reading for a long time because it looked too slapstick for my tastes. When I finally got around to seeing it, I realized that 1) it was great, and 2) once again, Frances McDormand took what could have easily been a one dimensional character and

Came here just to nominate my home town! Wives who used to be “dancers”. Boats, beaches, cigars, and perfect drunk party location for drunken fights Ybor City!

Ironically this really wasn’t the time to discuss gun control...

Ha. Hm. I am familiar with Jacksonville’s trashiness but didn’t think they’d have enough money. Though, I suppose you could always have a couple Jaguar wives.

Tampa. It would be trashy af.

Sigh— I love seeing bad-ass tall women confidently rocking the Serious Heels. I’ve always wanted to be one myself. But I generally stick to 3" or below now, as I could just never convince myself to feel good about the attention I got for being the tallest person in the room.

When I was pregnant with my kid, I was

How could you leave out the flip flop kitten heel abomination that tarnishes the memories of my youth?

Kitten heels are the devil! I don’t see the point, if you want a little extra height without the discomfort of a heel you can wear a damn wedge!

Katherine Heigl, on craftsmanship

I always like hearing about good news for Adele Dhazeem.

Missy should re-release and kick Tay off the top spot! She could drop it to a 10¢ special on iTunes just to mess with her.

Dilemma was an excellent song. It was very good. Sometimes when I get in my car, the bluetooth picks up and will play random songs from my iPhone. Dilemma came on the other day and it still makes me happy to hear! 

Dannnnnggggg can’t a ho shine????? She literally went from the strip club to top of the charts..... give her cred where it’s due

So annoying that Missy Elliott didn’t get no.1 for Work It, it’s THE SONG of 2002 and yet Nelly ft. Kelly Roland? I don’t even remember “Dilema” was it good?

They both seem nice, and it’s nice when nice people are happy?

God, I spent so many hours as a teenager, lying on my bed and staring at the ceiling with Fiona Apple blasting. Love her.

over the course of the weekend event

I’m Armenian, born in Istanbul, now living in the West.

Millennials ain’t shit