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Just, uh... just gonna leave this here then

There’s a lot of public support for abortion. It has very little to do with religion now other than the influence of that institution on the status quo. Our politicians are cowards afraid of alienating anyone, even to do what they know to be right.

We are fucking working on it and have been for years. There’s huge support for legal abortion but politicians won’t touch it so as not to alienate their core (rural, catholic, ancient) base. Our new gay, second generation migrant Taoiseach has no interest in repeal either as he’s extremely socially conservative. Black Brits have varying accents, just like everybody else there.

This is where good writing and creativity would come in, if that was a thing. We can have fucking westerns in space, but no one can imagine a period looking piece that’s NOT going to be black people as slaves or being abused?

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Can AM Joy run for President? Or at the very least get a daily show? I can think of at least 5 people off the top of my head that MSNBC could bump to get her a better slot.

Now that President Obama has moved on, it’s actually nice to see the new leader of the free world sitting in the Oval Office, and also Donald Trump.

Nope. My dream president is someone that has experience for the job and has proven themselves as fighters for our country. Politicians that have dedicated their lives from their first municipal office to where they are today. Politicians that know their constituents; Politicians that have spent their careers making

My wife and I were just talking about this yesterday because there’s (yet another) anti-trans bill on the way through the TX legislature right now. We had the news on, and they were interviewing a trans woman who I would never have even guessed was trans if she hadn’t just said so. So my wife and I were talking about

While they’re both still generally accountants, in actual fact he is fairly senior within the organization - Chairman of their US Board and a Managing Partner. I don’t know what her title is. But his level of seniority would certainly suggest that he has more than enough experience and authority to handle that

I wish these guys were in charge.

So are all of us progressives eventually going to colonize one of those new planets while right wingers mine the earth to its core for resources? I’ll make sandwiches and Irish coffee for the trip okay?

Pretty sure Germany will be next on the list.

But not his daughter!

The last movie was so bad, the viewing I saw was basically a live MST3K, as drunk women like us mocked the shit out of the screen. I can’t recommend this enough as a way to watch this shite. Go on a Sunday afternoon and get lit up with all the other catladies. Never had so much fun at the movies in my life as the

I couldn’t help but feel for Todd after Reynolds died. Like, she couldn’t live without her daughter but was fine leaving Todd behind. And I know, I know, she was in poor health anyway and it’s not like she chose to die the day after Carrie did. I just felt kind of bad for him.