He also said “Let’s trick some ——-s into fuckin us!” Trick? Trick? That kind of thinking gets people murdered, Dave.
He also said “Let’s trick some ——-s into fuckin us!” Trick? Trick? That kind of thinking gets people murdered, Dave.
I’ll say this: many of my favorite comedians have done varying levels of terrible things. Louis C.K. is fucking brilliant, and Fred Armisen is a pretty formidable and talented comedic actor, but they might also be sociopaths.
I don’t know Dave, I kind of know how it feels when one of my heroes does something heinous because right now I’m watching one do a big “let’s not just focus on the bad stuff” routine about a goddamned serial rapist. You think I’m happy to hear this shit from you?
Kind of sideways though.
Oof, this is tricky. It’s likely that Chappelle was making funny and subversive comments. That it was punching up towards abusers, not down on victims. But here’s the thing that makes me relate a little to the woman who got upset. Seeing a room full of people, many men, laughing at rape jokes (even intelligent rape…
she screamed out to me, “Women suffer.” I said, “I know.”
While I think there is some validity to the idea that progressives are easier to offend (because they tend to not like ‘punching down’), but I don’t think they are beyond being comedically entertained... they just have different expectations.
TW transmisogyny
“To what degree to I have to participate in your self-image? Is it fair that I have to change my whole pronoun game up for this motherfucker? That doesn’t make sense.”
If you feel like you’re done with Chapelle, I highly reccomend Jerrod Carmichael’s new special 8 on HBO. He goes there too. He gets very, very dark. But I never feel like he punches down.
What the fuck is wrong with her? What does she think? Does she think that I don’t know that rape is wrong?
Seriously. Leaning out the window like that! Trucks careening all over these cities!
She should really be wearing her seat belt.
All that’s missing are the reading glasses with the head tilted back and it’s how my dad looks at his smart phone.
My phone has that as a basic feature, but it ruins everything for me and I had to turn it off. I already have auto-correct as an indispensable but treacherous enemy, without giving it a sidekick.
I had to look it up lol. Seems there’s a generational divide with young people one-handing the phone & thumb-typing/navigation etc, and olds using 2 hands and pointer finger.
Apologies because this response ended up being longer than I intended.
she’s a diva, ff - she’s gonna have it her way or nothing at all.