She doesn't look gross just because she has some cellulite. Most women do.
She doesn't look gross just because she has some cellulite. Most women do.
Me too. I am more self conscious about those than anything else on my body. Can't they come up with a fucking lotion or something that ACTUALLY works!? Surely a it would make a ton of money.
That was my night too. What did you think of the finale? I enjoyed it, over all, but there were a couple things I wish they had addressed. They could’ve extended it the extra fifteen minutes to tie up loose ends and shown the arrest of you know who and it would’ve been more satisfying I think.
SMG is a republican? Day officially ruined.
Full body dry heave set to music ;)
I think of my ex at times like this and wonder how I ever missed the bastard. Here’s to never having to listen to that ingrained mysoginistic bullshit ever again!! Congrats on getting out, love.
Seriously, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills! I thought she did a wonderful job. Better than I expected, to be honest. But then I flip to the news channels and all they can do is nitpick. Fuck the media and their unfair criticism of Hillary as being cold and unrelatable. I thought she was brilliant tonight and I am…
What the fuck are you talking about? The chinaman is not the issue here, Dude. I’m talking about drawing a line in the sand, Dude. Across this line, you DO NOT... Also, Dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please.