
The saddest part? She was at Niagara Falls the whole time.

Um, not sure if I’m proud of this or embarrassed:

I’m also very happy to announce that with this, Maggie is going to be one of Jalopnik’s regular columnists. She spends most of her time writing novels but expect to see a lot more of her writing here soon!

That would honestly be impressively misinformed. What percentage of reports have identified it as a gay club, (100-Fox)%?

dont forget excessively revving at every stop light for no reason.


Too many white dudes talking about how they know the most authentic taco place while complaining about how their neighbors in Holly (who have lived on that block for forty years) are ruining their property values.

I lived in SF from age 24 to age 44. Here’s what no one who still lives there wants to admit: our once-beloved city now belongs very frimly to the Justin Kellers of the world. SF is their city now, and there’s no going back, no saving it. The damage is done. SF is coasting on its amazing history, but this is its

IMHO, if driving a manual annoys you, you should turn in your enthusiast card and just drive a Camry already.

Not sure his comment deserved such vitriol from you and your “Brigade” identification skills. All he was saying is that there won’t BE an option if people keep wanting “convenience” in their sports car. Chill out ball bag.