
What does a “close tie” mean to you? It literally means closeness and loyalty. Just because I shop at the same Home Depot two miles away every week (because it’s practical) doesn’t mean I won’t stop going if one opens up across the street. Jesus, is there no difference to you between doing business and being in bed,

I will drop one last comment on this article: it’s important to note that Exxon brands and sees itself as an energy company, not an oil company. They do more work with natural gas than with oil, and they’re fully prepared to switch to alternatives-as soon as they’re profitable. They have no religious devotion to the

Sorry, but you actually are a fucking moron. Even WaPo acknowledged that the potential Secretary of State shouldn’t throw around terms like “war criminal” at a confirmation hearing. Rubio was putting on a show and it worked. And there are no “close ties with Russia” involved. Get a grip. What is the CEO of the largest

Tillerson is a mechanical engineer by trade who made his way up to the position of CEO by working for Exxon for over 30 years, not an Old Boys’ Club executive-for-hire, and neither is Elon Musk. He is by far Trump’s most reasonable appointment and Musk is right to build bridges. You have made a baseless comparison