Meteor Scented "PENDING"

I want to agree with you, because I’m tired of this too. But WHAT about “people over 50?” Imo, most of the fetishizing is is in the minds of people far younger than this. People in their 50s - at least by my experience - don’t have the kind of drive necessary to care about sex, drugs and violence to the point that

I want to believe you. I think I do.

I hate to be the worrier, but I wish we knew where you are going Kate. When a departing staffer doesn’t give us a clue we can’t say “Yay! Can’t wait to see you at X!” But we respect your privacy. I just hope everything is OK. Maybe it’s REALLY OK: maybe running off with the love of your life (other than Jez), or you

oh my god. I don’t know what to think. I have to admit, I checked your page, and this is your first post. If you created it to warn me, thank you. I don’t know much about flying squid except his name. I wouldn’t mind talking about this. Go into my post history, pick a convo I’m having somewhere else and reply to it.

This is a very good idea.

That is very kind of you Liz, thank you. It’s better now:)

I would love to know what your username means:)

Kinja, You KNOW you can do better than this?!!! Seriously, you know you can. There is Zero contrast in terms of color, placement and ....well. imagination.

YES!! Praying for this (hey, it can’t hurt;)

It sounds like this piece is shaming Midler and -although I like the author - this is heartbreaking. We know Midler was trying to say “Hey America!!” but America wasn’t having it. Barbara Was NOT having it.

Asking “ Why” is important. Maybe if we all do that things may change. This kind of crap goes on -on a smaller scale- everywhere, everyday, every damn hour: At least in my town. And the the populace is fine with it.

Hoping for 11:00 news, who just had a heart attack.

Because MEN. This is some BS, back-handed way to “save face” the way men have always done it. We know better now.

Pfft. He’ll get it. And - why not - let him have it. No one will ever speak to him again. No one who wants to keep their job will even want their name in the same sentence I’m thinking. He has been outed. No. He should NOT get a payday, the same way our crooked Sheriff got a pay-off after three DUIs and unlawfully

Follow up: I just checked my Profile and could not believe that I am not following you now. *sigh* Things are changing - too much lately. I have fixed it :)

Damn Girl! Get some Oxygen STAT.! And I can’t remember: Are you Cake or Pie or Cookie, cause we can do this manually with an IV (tho it could be rather “chunky”) :D

Haha! A “bag?” if it were me there would be nothing but the night table.

True. If he had the time, he would have sent a subordinate with a gift. (which may have happened. But don’t quote me on this please).

Oh My Precious, I’m just funning with you. <3. If Mucci’s wife will tolerate this audacity, she might very well be the type of 1950s “gal” who washed her hair once a week, and suffered in rollers before the the weekend, hoping and praying for a date.

I have given up with these two. Their “doings” are something I suppose only political couples can understand. I certainly cannot. Maybe they all have “Contracts” on each other! Whoo Hoo! Wouldn’t that just be delightful? I don’t read Mystery/Detective fiction, but I would read a book that exploits (sure, I said it)