Meteor Scented "PENDING"

Well, don’t get disappointed. See what happens in the morning.

Yep, it sure looks like it. Congrats! And I thought I deleted my request before I “published it” and now my Stalkers are using it to try to rile me. Nuh Uh. Won’t work;)

Me?I can’t imagine that! But if you did YAAAY!! Cause if anyone deserves it you do :D

I was a late child of 2cnd wave feminism, and it’s still pretty much he lens through which I see things.. I’m not satisfied with this, but there isn’t anything to replace it:/

Damn, this is like a page out of my own story:0

Oh Pffft. Forget the Solstice then. We don’t even have a true “tradition” or anything.

Whoa! I can’t even imagine that kind of ecstasy. Interested in writing a 50 Shades of Gray but with kitties? it could be a new genre hit! ;) :D

Wow? Did their opinion change when Allison finally reciprocates the feeling?

I’m a woman, but I think they do.

Excellent tale! It is, indeed, amazing the stories a man will fabricate to gain entry into a group and then grapple for power. The “getting it up” part.... I don’t want to know;)

You’re being trolled. Alert. Do what you think best


Haha! Like “Pet me or I’ll F you up?:)

I’m free for doogy sitting and combing! I’ll bet she loooves that:)

I have seen this also. At the same time I wouldn’t mind a script for my own symptoms:/

Ah! Thanks for the reminder. I need to re-follow. I need to start “saving” my accounts before they disappear:D

Right? Excellent idea. I mean there are so many of them. Maybe a little chemical castration. I mean it doesn’t sound like these guys even need privacy (if you know what I mean;)

Ha! I seem to have gone through a few of them this year. No worries;)

I didn’t even hear it. Is this really a song? They were all yelling. Whatever is going on, it’s a bad look:/

Thank you. You and non-aggression are my friends <3