No I was talking about the squad menu, I just called it a lobby out of habit.
No I was talking about the squad menu, I just called it a lobby out of habit.
Did you join in the pre-game lobby before hand? Whenever I have done that (360 version) we are always placed on the same squad and team.
You could just try and glitch him, my friend and I had to do that for our first kill before we learned the strategy to kill him legit.
It is hard when your CEO says the game is supposed to take CoD down and is a direct competitor to it. Those kind of comments almost force you to compare them, especially campaign modes.
WalMart is giving a free copy of Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition when you buy Arkham City.
It isn't a review. Gut checks are quick impressions of a game/DLC that they give based on what they have done. If you look at most recent releases there is a gut check about a week before they post their actual full game review.
Read Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth. It was written by Morrison and heavily inspires Arkham Asylum.
The old players are the reason to buy the game. I thought 2K11 looked fine for most of the players so reusing those faces is ok with me if it means I can have guys like Russel and Hakeem.
It does allow the system to be priced cheaper. It is how MS can offer a $199 360 while Sony can't dip below $250. (Of course there are other reasons for the price difference but smaller HDD lowers production cost and therefore consumer price).
Faces were terrible in 2k9 for anyone who wasn't a superstar. Hell Danny Granger's face has never looked right in game.
Did you really pay for it if you didn't pay the full asking price the developer/publisher set?
If you bought the game for anything less than $59.99 US MSRP or new where a portion of the proceeds go to the developer than you actually didn't pay for the whole game.
There are two real issues that I see here. First, video game websites and publications are still predominantly funded by industry ads. It is hard to really argue against the guys paying most of your bills. This of course leads to situations like Gerstman-gate when someone does speak up against. (Side note: even if…
Ultimately the publishers control their product in much the same way film studios control theirs. If you go against a publisher (especially a big one like EA or Activision) who sets a review embargo its worse than not getting a game until launch day. You have to pay for future games (as they probably won't give you…
They aren't horrible. Online passes that are required for online play are too much but giving the customers who pay you for your game a little present is fine. They are going to resolve the issue, and the Batman stuff is more than enough to keep everyone happy until they do.
Right now I am about 7 games in as a backup PG/SG on the Jazz (they only have one true SG on their roster so most of my minutes are sadly spent at the 2 but My Player is an all-around point). I am averaging about 15 pts 4 reb and 4 ast. I am more of a shooter than I would like but playing almost all my minutes at the…
A few things:
Set up the CPU play calling and play vision. That will give you cues on the floor that tell you where to stand, where to move, where to set picks and so forth. That alone should make your team much more effective on the offensive end.
I started in low 60s as a 6'3" all-around PG. However, in the previous games it was a challenge to have a player above 55 at the start of a season.
I don't understand what you mean. Madden released after the lockout resolved. Had it not they would have been unable to put the rookies in the game (as they could not sign contracts and officially join the league and players' association).