
Well there was some truth to that perception, cousin marriage is legal in almost half the states and a few others have exceptions where it can be legal like one of the parties being really old or sterile.

Not exactly. Beauregard came in from a flashback triggered by Jerry.

I think the Nazi memory was Beauregard playing off what was left from Nicky or maybe it was Beauregard's doing entirely. After all, Nicky was dead by this point.

If you look at that first flashback, it was a bad memory until cousin Nicky came in..

I'm pretty sure evil Morty isn't a robot or the opening Morty bot. Having some wires behind his eye means nothing. The other Ricks didn't call the late Murder Rick a robot. And he's in a pool of his own blood.

Murder Rick wasn't a robot. He just had tech parts around his brain for mind-control by evil Morty. The Rick medics call him a Rick when checking his body, not a robot.

What other relationships? Mordecai has yet to seriously go out with any other women cause he was completely focused on Margaret. Even CJ he just saw as a friend.

So you want an episode without characters raising their voice, jokes that you will like, no songs (which this episode already did), and no screwing with Benson (which again this episode already did)?